After fielding thousands of comments doubting the reality of my plans to get to 200 pounds by August 1st, I have decided to respond to one of these non-believers.
This fan cited Dolph Lundgren in Rocky 4 (IV, eye vee) with the fact that muscle weighs more than blubber. I agree 100%. But, you see, when I visited my physician for the all important disclaimer of please visit your physician before starting any exercise regimen they found my cell structure to be 98% barbecue potato chip and 2% Coke Zero. I know you see where I'm going but I will expound further.
Dolph laid waste to Apollo Creed because he was 6'6" and 260 pounds of pure muscle. His pure muscle was a product of 1) eating metal and aluminum siding (iron does a body good) and 2) working out by lifting cars, buildings and Brigitte Nielsen. If Apollo Creed knew these facts, he wouldn't have been so cocky I'm sure.
The argument I'm about to present to the jury about my case is simple. I'm a 6'2" (now 218 pounds!) sack of potatoes (literally) who is involved in a cardio-intensive workout plan. The bulk of my plan is the treadmill, where I walk at an ever increasing speed with a 4.6% incline for 45 minutes. Unlike Dolph, who lifts bulldozers and buses for building mass, I do my work with 20 pound free weights for tone. I don't need or want to look like a body builder. I want to be fit. In addition to my exercise plan, I am working to replace the chips and Coke with unprocessed, natural foods and water. I am drinking so much water at this point that I'm thinking about donning a diaper so I don't have to get up and do my business 17 times during sleeping hours. I am confident this weight will fall off or melt away. Change.
Before I am convicted of grand douchebaggery by the jury, I hope I have clarified my weight loss endeavor enough to make the non-believers believe. All doubters are fuel for the fire, baby.
I will loop the awesome instumental soundtrack of the Rocky films during my treadmill sessions as a dedication to Rocky Balboa, a man who demonstrated that you need not move mountains or lift buildings to slay your demons (or that nasty Russian-Swede Ivan Drago). Sometimes you have to chase chickens and have the heart to believe.
Ha Ha ha :)))))
Well that told me! I wish you the best of luck then.
But because I will look like a total whimp if I suddenly change my mind from one comment to another, I'll make sure to be back here on 1st of August (which happens to be my wedding anniversary, so i won't forget) to see that billboard :) But then nothing makes you want to proove you can do something more, then when you are doubted :)
On a different note, I am hoping my husband never reads my commnent about it being Rocky III, boy I woudln't hear the end of it.
So, Good luck!!!!!
Joe, you tell Nat :)
My trainer(that sounds LA-like which I am like totally NOT) made me do a mini bootcamp today and I wanted to die.
It was 30 sec jumping rope, 1 min step up on stool with 12.5 lbs shoulder press, knees up 30 sec, 30 sec girly push ups, 30 sec shoulder/arm knee crunch on bosu ball, 1 min squats
Was that 4 mins?
Take a 1 min break between sets and rinse and repeat times 3.:)
For me its all about the fuel I put in my body. Exercise is the catalyst it will speed shit up if I mix it in. But I only have 1 foot now so that sucks.
Here are my goto foods. Egg whites. Tuna. Spinach. Lots of spinach. Green peppers. 1% Cottage Cheese. Plain Yogurt without the bullshit sweetners. Most processed foods are evil!! Evil!!!! Keep it up. What works for me is high protein, low fat, low calorie foods. I am very strict Monday - Thurs. Friday I will have a slice or two of pizza. Saturday and Sunday I splurge but keep portions reasonable (beer). With that program I will usually lose 10-15 pounds in 2 months. My body eventually catches up with what I am doing and I level out. But that is okay bc I dont want to be 6'5" and weigh 180lbs.
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