Friday, February 5, 2010

L O S T follow up

In my opinion, the first episode that aired this week was a lesson in big-time gripping drama.

As always, what the hell is going on? Why did Jack and the crew land in LA in one scene and in another, they're being held captive at this new temple place where Sayid was brought back to life, still on the island. Holy head-spinners Batman! Juliette's dead. Who is Locke? <-(I freakin' love this character: "they didn't lose your father, Jack, they just lost his body.") Why was Desmond on the plane? Anyway, it was a great show. Hell, it's probably easy for the writers now. If you're a fan, you love the characters and how we got to know them over the past five seasons. All that's left now is to wow us and I for one, need only that.

Some predictions and thoughts for the season:
Since Sayid was brought back to life at the temple pool, I'm thinking they're going to exhume everyone that died on the island and bring them back to life. That's a lot great characters.

But then again, I might retract that statement with a thought of maybe nobody's alive. Maybe they were reborn in an alternate reality after the bomb exploded. That may be a stretch but the show itself taught us nothing's out of bounds.

I am still working on an endgame to the whole show, just like everyone else. Maybe I or we can piece some theories together after a few more shows.

Any thoughts? I'd love to hear them.

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