Thursday, September 24, 2009

it's 4th and long - let's go for it

I was just thinking about the state of things with the world, our nation and my paycheck. My paycheck is smaller with cut hours and the bills that come are larger. How in the hell does this work?

I am sick and tired of the bureaucracy of our legislature. I am sick and tired of the ineffective debates on health care. I am sick of this nation's inability to produce anything physically tangible to sell on the world market. Computers and the management of digital information rule the day. Phooey.

Soon I will be calling for the 500 plus people who lead this country to step down. What good are they?

I will create jobs by erecting a giant toilet bowl on the Mall in D.C. so we can flush all these former leaders and lawmakers into the Potomac River. Yes We Can will become Oh Yes I Did.

I will then appoint Glenn Beck, Rachel Maddow, Bill O'Reilly, The Dixie Chicks and Bill Maher to the top spots in Washington to see if the armchair quarterbacked hot air they blow weekly can turn things around. If they can talk about what's wrong now, they should be able to fix it, right? Four people and a country music group. Just about the right size for our federal government. You might've asked yourself, where's Rush Limbaugh? Well he was wrong about a certain black athlete that plays in the NFL and for that we'll start him out on the state level as governor of Mississippi or Alabama.

Drastic times call for drastic measures and this over-taxed American wants change for the sake of my family's future.

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